Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Todisco promised seniors they would use the Field House as a Senior Center.  Truth: Not one meeting has been held to date.
(Sara Todisco- 2017 Debate at the Pointe)

Todisco said we would generate money from the athletic field that would go back to taxpayers. Truth: Not one penny has gone back to taxpayers. (Sara Todisco 2017 Debate at the Pointe)

Todisco the field would only be $2000 a year to maintain. TRUTH:  The field has cost taxpayers well over $200,000 in just 4 years.  (Sara Todisco- 2017 Debate at the Pointe)

The Todisco  Campaign told voters you would scale back on the apartments. TRUTH: They added 2 more buildings with intentions of adding AT LEAST one more.  (2018 Primary Election)

The Todisco Campaign requested that Garwood become a Sanctuary City. TRUTH: The email was released and the Todisco Democrats tried to spin their way out.

The Todisco Campaign lied about Ileen Cuccaro’s voting record on the garbage truck. TRUTH: Cuccaro voted yes on the garbage truck, the Todicso campaign even bragged about the UNANIMOUS vote.

The Todisco campaign claimed  Mayor Lombardo siding with Republicans to privatize the DPW. TRUTH: It was Miss Todisco that made the suggestion at a council meeting.

Todisco  lied about Stephanie Bianco’s attendance record. TRUTH: Mrs. Bianco has had several meetings with the Police Chief since she was appointed in June. (Refer to Chief Wright)

The Todisco Campaign lied about Sal Piarulli’s attendance record.  TRUTH: Mr. Piarulli’s attendance is near perfect 
( meeting minutes)

Continues to mislead residents about Ileen’s record. TRUTH: Ms .Cuccaro stood up for residents against an allegedly corrupt former Planning Board member. ( Refer to Sandro Villaraunt)

Todisco claims to have savings from the Fanwood Deal. TRUTH:  Garwood has lost $42,000 a year, plus had to add 3 more workers/salaries/pensions. (Garwood Council Meeting Minutes)

 Todisco Campaign promised voters the Developers on South Ave would provide a Firetruck. TRUTH: Taxpayers will now have to buy a firetruck at the cost of $1 Million to accomadate the High Rise Apartments.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Garwood Democrats have a pattern of distraction and deception. How can you believe anything they say especially right before an election?

Below are the sources for everything we discussed leading up to election day. Let's see the Garwood Democrats do the same with their claims.

On the heels of Fanwood finding themselves in a recycling mess, Garwood Democrats were forced to accept a new recycling bid from our old recycler for twice the price!  The result: our costs have more than doubled from less than $1300 to more than $2600 per pickup!
Source: Garwood Agreement for Waste Management 2014-2015 and New Agreement for 2016-2017 located on

Facts Garwood Democrats Bill Nierstedt and Carol Kearney want you to ignore:

ØBill Nierstedt in his own words “I’ve learned the only way to make Americans change their habits is hit them in their wallets.”

ØGarwood Democrats tried to push through the shared service agreement without properly notifying the public. Then ignored over 100 people that filled borough hall by reading from prepared statements they intended to vote for the agreement all along.
Source: Council meeting June 23, 2015

ØGarwood has to pay Fanwood $40,000 a year in taxpayer money, plus 2% annual increases for having our DPW report to Fanwood’s Superintendent.
Source: Agreement attached page 4:

(a) For the first year of this Agreement, Garwood shall pay to Fanwood the sum of Forty-Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) for provision of the services set forth herein, which payment shall be made quarterly at the completion of each quarter and upon receipt of a voucher from Fanwood.

(b) For any subsequent year during which this Agreement shall be in effect, the annual fee shall be increased by the sum of: (i) two percent (2%); plus (ii) the cost of any additional services requested by Garwood that were not provided in the prior year. Payment shall be made in accordance with Section 3.

ØIf any Fanwood equipment is damaged, Garwood taxpayers pay to fix it and all local licenses, permits and inspections in Garwood need approval from Fanwood.
Source: Agreement attached page 3:

(f) Garwood shall continue to be responsible for its own insurance, repairs, maintenance, and replacement of any damaged or unusable apparatus, vehicle, machinery, or equipment utilized in connection with the public works services performed in Garwood, including those performed by the CPWM/CRP under this Agreement.

ØNierstedt and Kearney both voted to take away taxpayer property rights by supporting the abuse of Eminent Domain.
Source Council Meeting October 13, 2015

ØThe plan they support for over development will add up to 300 apartments with a state mandate of up to 20% as low-income housing which will drive down home prices and further strain our resources.
Source: Transit Village criteria:
“All new development within the transit village district shall adhere to the affordable housing requirements of the State of New Jersey that are in place at the time the development receives municipal site plan approvals.” 

ØThe athletic field cost taxpayers $33,000 this year in maintenance alone, when the Democrats promised it would only cost $2000.  Only $15,000 has been generated by the AFC to date and, by accepting state funds, money generated from the field will never go back to the taxpayers, leaving taxpayers with over $1.6M in debt to pay off over 15 years.
Source: 2015 Municipal Budget
ØThe Democrats brag that we received a grant to fix areas damaged by trees.  Did you know that the damage will cost taxpayers an additional $70,000 and Nierstedt/Kearney support planting more trees at the expense of taxpayers?
Source: Council meeting June 23, 2015

ØCarol Kearney in a letter congratulated her son on his wedding, but would not say her family lives in Garwood instead saying they lives in “East Westfield”.
Source: Westfield Leader

Thursday, June 18, 2009

ØBill Nierstedt said during the debate that he does not enjoy going to Council meetings anymore. Let’s make sure he no longer has to bear this burden!

Shared Service Agreement with Fanwood

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Mayor and Council Refuse to Listen

This Video shows Councilman Mike Martin taking a nap during the most attended, arguably most important meeting of the year.

Over 100 hundred residents packed Borough Hall and over 300 signed a petition, only to have their overwhelming dissent overruled by a condescending Council that felt the need to impose their will.

In a blatant act of defiant arrogance, the Garwood council has chosen once again to ignore the voice of their constituents! With overwhelming opposition and a record turnout against the shared service agreement with Fanwood, the "powers that be" chose to ignore the taxpayers. One can only wonder what lies beneath the rush to railroad this through, nor why they bothered to allow the residents to speak all the while knowing they had no intention of listening. Their minds were made up long before this meeting, as evidenced by reading from prepared statements, and stale, disingenuous talking points. Complete Distain, and flippant remarks, flowed from their lips while the folks looked on in disbelief. I hope we did not disturb the council member who was recorded dozing on the dais. Shame on him for his lack of respect and concern for the taxpayer, when he could not stay awake long enough to even pretend he cared what they had to stay. This is just a continuance of the status quo here in town for quite a while but the residents of Garwood do not like being ignored, they will not tolerate such condescending attitudes from the officials they elected to serve the taxpayer. They have learned a hard lesson but will prevail, and show their displeasure with the only other means available when elected officials refuse to listen.

More than 350 people have signed the petition with another 100 or so saying they are afraid to sign do to political backlash or have been told not to sign. These residents do not care about political affiliation, they care about Garwood. The group that decided to shove this through against the will of the people has decided to make this a political issue. So be it. We will be happy to remind the residents what occurred last night.

In the voting booth, it all begins in November where we have the chance to replace 2 in the next election. Elect Ileen Cuccaro & Joe Sarno to Garwood Council.Transparency in Government should be mandatory. The time has long passed for the hierarchy to be held accountable for ignoring the will of the people.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Save our DPW

Here is the online version of the petition being handed out to save our DPW. The Council has dug us into a hole and now wants us to believe they are doing this to save money, the same night they talked about spending $100,000 to repair damages caused by trees Bill N had planted. Please sign here and tell them we will not have our DPW report to a borough two towns away that have private garbage and do not collect recycling. The Council attempted to ram this thru at the last meeting without informing the public. It's time we tell them our voices do matter and we will not allow them to take away a tremendous resource.
Click here to sign the petition online.

Or go to

What you are not being told about the resolution to have the Garwood DPW report to Fanwood.
  • The Garwood DPW contract ends this year leaving the future of the DPW unknown.
  •  It would fire Garwood’s DPW Superintendent for the last ten years, Fred Corbitt, and replace him with 10 hours of part-time supervision by Fanwood’s Superintendent.
  • Garwood’s DPW workers would then report to Fanwood’s Superintendent. Our men would have to get his approval on everything.
  • Garwood will have to pay Fanwood $40,000 a year with a 2% increase every year for 10 hours of supervision and the privilege of sharing their DPW equipment.
  • The equipment the Garwood DPW would “benefit” from is already available from the county.
  • Currently, if Garwood were to damage any Fanwood equipment it is using, we would have to pay for it all.
  • Licenses, permits, inspections, etc., are to be approved, or denied, by the Fanwood Superintendent.
  • Fanwood decides who gets priority use over their equipment.
  • NOT ONE municipality out of 565 in NJ has embraced sharing DPW Superintendent services because it does not work. Using the best DPW in the county as a lab rat is a risk we should not take.
Mayor and Council have a record of poor planning, tax & spending increases and a lack of transparency.
  • Sara Todisco, Bill Nierstedt, and Ann Tarantino pushed to vote on the resolution 10 different times during the June 23, 2015 meeting without consulting the public and sneak this through before you had a say.
  • They claim this proposal will save $70,000 a year in salary and benefits, yet a sitting Councilman collects benefits costing taxpayers close to $30,000 a year and he has not been asked to relinquish them.
  • We were also told removing taxpayer funded Bulk pickup services would save $30,000 a year but our taxes have gone up every year, some years at a higher rate than Cranford and Westfield.
  • They approved the 2015 Budget that included over $230,000 in excess spending; add to it the Board of Ed and County budgets and this amounts to over a 4% increase in our property taxes.
  • We were told the Athletic Field Complex was under budget and would only cost $2,000 a year to maintain when it’s really costing us an extra $32,000 this year alone.
Our DPW and Fred Corbitt are collateral damage for the Mayor and Council’s out of control spending. This year’s Budget is loaded with irresponsible and reckless spending.
  • $100,000 to fix damaged sidewalks caused by trees the borough planted. The response is to plant more trees.
  • $32,000 for Athletic Field Complex (AFC) Maintenance and Fence.
  • $33,000 in debt service payments due to the AFC and neglected infrastructure projects.
  • $7,000 increase to the Rec Dept.
  • $23,845 initial cost for computer software.
  • $17,000 increase for the Planning Board.
  • $30,000 for Councilman Petruzelli’s health & dental benefits.
  • $11,100 increase for the Municipal Clerk.
  • $18,800 increase in Legal Fees.
  • $17,000 increase for pension line items.
  • $37,000 in Municipal Roof repairs that should have been covered by funds in the “surplus”.
  • $90,000 increase for the Rahway Valley Sewer Authority because of a failure by the Finance Committee to understand and prepare for fluctuations in RVSA fees.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Their tactics are getting old

More to follow in the next few weeks but I can tell you that the great people of Garwood are sick of their tactics especially when they follow The Rules for Radicals to a T.

Saul Alinsky was a Socialist that taught how to create a Social State. He wrote the Rules for Radicals that a handful of politicians are living by:
RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.).

Are these the people you want making day to day decisions? The anger, the hate? Time to vote them out.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

$3.2 million learning experience and manufactured outrage.

That about sums up the Council meeting. First, a special thank you to my friends at Unico and the IAOVC. They had a serious concern and accepted the apology of our councilman and we look forward to working with them in the near future. Those gentlemen along with Councilman Mathieu were some of very few grown ups in the room and as an Italian American with close roots to their organization I am grateful for everything they do. Our Borough is too inclusive to have even one person who is bitter, vindictive, divisive that will take anything and manufacture outrage for his or her political gain. We saw that on the evening of the Council meeting and I am truly sad for those people. Leave the PC activism to the Al Sharptons of the world. This is and was a non-issue and so are those that make believe they are offended. The typical politicians are trying to use it as a distraction from their failed policies, from the brutal tax increase, the extra $31,000 the Athletic Field is costing us this year when they promised it was no more than 2 or 3 thousand.

What I found offending was that on two separate occasions when issues about the Athletic Complex were brought up by residents in town, 2 councilman including Harry Reid Bill Neirstedt dismissed these concerns with "we are new to this" and "there is going to be a learning curve". $3 and a half million of our tax money and to these politicians it is just a learning curve? They are playing with our money with no plans whatsoever. Our taxes are skyrocketing and the people that built Garwood are being forced out and all they have to say for themselves is "it's a learning curve". When one resident asked why as a taxpayer in town, his kids are never allowed to play on the park, he was told, "we are learning as we go". When a resident asked why people were not allowed to use  the parking lot, he was told "it's a learning curve"

Lastly, the point was brought up that maybe the borough could have passed on a beer tent at a Little League event. Councilman Tarantino that is was a "Day for all of Garwood" for everyone to enjoy. The reality is that Garwood Day was designed around little league, stop playing politics and start listening. Per the last blog it was a wonderful day and that should not be lost around semantics. That statement by the way came just before the aforementioned gentleman said his kids were kicked off the field on "Garwood Day".

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Beautiful day for Garwood by the people of Garwood

Garwood Day could not have gone any better. Wonderful job by the recreation department, the coaches, the parents and of course the players. Now just imagine if we had fiscally responsible people that could have properly budgeted out the field, we could have many more days like Saturday. The day was great because of all the people that made it, not a synthetic field. Poor planning has saddled us with an extra $31,000 this year and most likely tens of thousands more next year to make the baseball field compliant so our older kids can use it for home games against other towns.
Nonetheless, wonderful job by all those involved on Garwood Day.
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